Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9, 2016


A few highlights for the last few days...


I went walking with Mikki and we walked 5 miles. I took Charlie to swim practice and when I got home the piano was in the living room. A few of the boys moved it in the back of Doug's truck. 


The deer got in the garbage last night and spread it all over the road. It's so embarrassing to be out there picking up garbage. But I don't need to be embarrassed. I didn't do it, I just cleaned it up.  The GMC had a flat tire this morning. Ed drove the Tahoe to Key West to look at a minivan and he bought it. He drove it home and later got a ride with Rob back to KW to get the Tahoe. He forgot the Keys so Nina ended up giving him a ride home. It was 1 AM by the time he got home. 

I didn't have a good day. I did art with Charlie and moved some quilting fabric from bins in my bedroom into the storage benches in the kitchen. I re-potted my shaving brush tree. It has buds on it for the first time since I bought it, 3 or 4 years ago. 


I watched Hazel for the first time for about 1 1/2 hours. When I went downstairs to get her there was a deer under the house. He came up to about 4 feet from me and was hard to shoo away. He finally went thru the middle of a 10 speed bike like a dog jumping thru a hoop. 

Kim came over with the boys. We hung out for a while, then went to Mikki's house for supper and to watch the race. The race was on rain delay and then I was too tired to watch the whole thing so we went home at 11. 

The last pic is Tom's "idea" from fixing my plumbing  about a week or two ago. 

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