Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015


Charlie and I were out the door at 9 AM on our way to the beach. We stopped at Walgreens first for sand toys, sunglasses (my old ones broke), pretzels, and crackers. (Charlie threw up during the night).

The water was wavy today. I like it when it's smooth, but Charlie doesn't care. He had a blast. We read more of "Pinocchio" and I saw a bird catch a crab and eat it. We stayed only 2 1/2 hours. I wanted to get some schoolwork done too. 

When we got home I watered my plants, and had Joe make new chore cards for the hat. The kids picked cards, but Tommy and Charlie were the only ones to do their chores. Tommy got wash dishes and Charlie got the nothing card. 

I want a house with in-law quarters. I want my own apartment!

We did school till we had too many extra people that there was no way for anyone to concentrate. Shannon came over and everyone kept talking. 

TJ brought the kids over when he came over to ride with the band to Schooner Wharf. Angelica was sick so I watched them for a while so she could get some rest. The band left. The kids played. Callie and I made cupcakes, and before I knew it, it was time to go to movie night at church.

The movie was fun. The kids were good. Afterwards I ordered subs, picked them up, dropped off the grand kids, and went back home. We ate, relaxed a little, I read to Charlie, and went to bed, early, 11:10 PM (I have to get up at 7 AM to go kayaking).

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