Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

I got up at 7 to make sure the band was up and getting ready for church. They played at 3 services today. I went to the 8 o'clock one to help Kim with Stevie. I held him while Kim sang and played her fiddle. I came home after that service and woke up Tom, Charlie , Aaron, Tommy, Ian, and Ariel. Aaron went to the 9:30 service but everyone else had an hour to get ready for the 11 o'clock service. 

Ariel got dressed herself and I did her hair for the first time. Nina always does it. We headed over to church with Emma, but just before we left, Tommy wandered into my room. I thought he went to the second service! He never got up when I woke him. Grrrr!!! They stay up too late. 

Anyways, church was great!! Loved it! Came home. Angelica came over with the kids. Nina and Ed filled plastic eggs with candy and put the Easter bags together, 15 of them. Then we hid the eggs in the kitchen and living room. After the 5 little kids found them Ed took some pictures. I wanted some of the little girls in the dresses I made. 

TJ and Ang went home. I was going to sit and knit or read on the porch, but Tom wanted me to look at an RV with him, so I went. (When we left we had to turn the car around. A deer was laying down in the back yard. We pulled in about four feet from it and it just lay there-Key Deer.) Turned  out the RV was in a locked, fenced-in area so we couldn't see it. Then he stopped to visit someone a few minutes. Came home again and I finally sat on the porch knitting.

The older kids all went to Key West to the movies, except for Kurt and Jewel. They went fishing with JC on his boat. They all met up in KW at Origami for supper. Tom and I babysat at TJ's house so they could go to Origami too. The kids were really good. I knit and did the dishes. Tom and I were planning on going to Boondocks when they got back, but just went home instead. It was going on 10 o'clock. At 11 PM the big kids went to church either to hang out or to play laser tag. I let Charlie go so we won't read tonight. I thought I might go in the hot tub but I am just going to bed. I could use a whole day off, a real day off, not a catch up day.

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