Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 18, 2015


I woke up to my alarm, uhhh, horrible, at 7 AM. I had to get up. I had a headache, so I took Excedrine and held a frozen bag of carrots on my forehead and the back of my neck. I drank water, made coffee, and got ready for our 8 mile bike ride and then bridge jumping. I packed lunches, made oatmeal, and woke up Tommy, Charlie, and David. 

Garrett took the hockey stuff out of the van and put the bikes in. Then we left for Lower Sugarloaf. We stopped by Hannah's house ( it was on the way) and she brought me out a sweet elling flower, Gardinia I think, then continued driving to the end of the road, where we met the rest of the group. Meanwhile, Garrett was picked up by friends and went to his friend Jaden's birthday party. Looks like they went out on the water.

The ride was fun. Sometimes we were in the sun but there was plenty of shade too in tunnels of mangroves. The road was Old 4A, which was the main road down here until US 1 was built. Now it is a crumbling bike path. At one point we stopped and watched fish in the water next to the road. We saw two horseshoe crabs and lots of blue parrotfish.

When we were done with that we went to the jumping bridge. That was fun too. Then we went to to TJ's house and picked up Jake and Callie. I took them to Byron and Ida's house to go swimming. It was soooo nice. Went back to TJ's, dropped off the kids, went home, showered, and then Charlie and I went to Kim's studio. My project is almost done, 2 more hours at the most of weaving and I can cut it off the loom.

We stopped at Winn Dixie on our way home. Ate supper. I knit for a little, read to Charlie, and called it a day.

The rest of the band  ( and family) was in Bristol, TN today for NASCAR races. They hung out with their buddies Dale and JR.

Kurt took this last picture.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was another beautiful day in the Keys! We had unseasonably warm temperatures here in Michigan yesterday. In fact, we had dinner on the deck overlooking the pool that will be open on 4/29. Mid-way through dinner the winds kicked up and we remembered, it's April, in Michigan... we're no longer in Key West! :( Hope you're all doing well! Valerie Cramer
