Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015


Garrett was a punk last night. After he turned in his iPod I moved it and lo and behold, it was just the empty case upside down. I asked him if he liked being deceitful. He still argued with me about keeping it but I won. :0)

Even Tommy and Charlie were being dumb. When the band finally left (close to 12:30 AM) Tommy and Charlie tried watching cartoons in the living room instead of going to bed. How dumb can they be?

It's weird falling asleep when so many people are gone, but I finally fell asleep.

This morning I cleaned, mostly the living room. I moved the furniture and swept. There's always a lot of stuff under our couches. Ang dropped off Jake and Violet and then took Callie to see "Cinderella" in Marathon. 

I worked on embroidery. I have a baby dress that needs to be done the beginning of May. There was a movie at church tonight so we went to that, came home, ordered 2 pizzas, went to Winn Dixie and bought food for tomorrow morning's bike ride, picked up the pizzas, and went home. Then I sat in my "Queen Cheryl" chair and knitted on Jake's sweater and listened to a book on my phone. 

Tommy's friend, David, is sleeping over again. He's going on the bike ride with us in the morning. Speaking of the bike ride, Charlie's bike has a flat tire, so I asked the big kids' friend, Minolis, if we could borrow his younger brother's bike and his stepdad said yes, so Minolis brought it over for me. Thanks Minolis! I moved the van into the driveway to load the bikes and guess what? It was filled with hockey equipment. (No, it does not smell good in there). So I had Garrett empty it and he has the bikes all lined up for loading in the morning.

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