Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 29, 2015


Ed made us banana French toast for breakfast. It rained and poured most of the day. Mom, dad, and I tried going to Salvation Army but there was no place to park, and it was raining so hard we just went home instead.

I made two banana cream pies and my mom made a crunchy pumpkin dessert. Then we left for Schooner Wharf. Angelica and the kids went too. I thought we might get rained out but it cleared up and we didn't get any rain. Charlie sat next to me and fought with Jake most of the time, so when the band took a break I was ready to go home. Mom and dad were ready to go home too. We were all tired. 

When we got home we ate some of the pumpkin dessert. It was great, but my pies were runny. Grrrrr!!!' I put them in the freezer  so tomorrow they will be frozen banana cream pies. :0)

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