Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 25, 2015


The last few days have been too busy and I have been too tired to write, but when I go to bed exhausted, I've had a hard time falling asleep. We did school on school days. Thursday evening I was able to do some embroidery but felt guilty that I should be doing bookkeeping instead. I went grocery shopping at 8:30. I think everyone had ice cream for supper. 

Friday the band played at a wedding at the Hyatt in Key West. I made a spinach and strawberry salad before they left. I stayed home with the younger boys. They went to the movie night at church. I did laundry and dishes and knit. 

Saturday -- I got up early and woke people up who needed to go play at Bahia Honda's Earth Day celebration. TJ and family drove separate. I took Garrett, Tommy , and Charlie, and Tom took Ed and Nina in the Sprinter with the trailer. It was super hot but fun. Tom, the boys, and I watched the grand kids while the bluegrass played from 10-11 AM. There were plenty of activities for the kids so they had fun. Did I mention it was hot hot? :0) After they were done playing, Tom left with the Sprinter to stop at the house and pick up the rest of the band for Sunset Pier. 

We tried to take the grand kids to the beach but it was just too hot and Angelica took them home. I stayed for a little while. Hannah was there also with her grandmother. It was nice to see them. But It wasn't very relaxing. Tommy was no fun. Charlie's friend Matthew was there so I left Charlie with Matthew and his mom and we went home. At home I took a quick shower, then escaped with Nina to Key West where Ed and Nina were playing at a wedding on the beach. I needed some vedge time, where no one would talk to me. A wedding where no one knows me. Perfect. :0)

I took a book with me, and finally got to relax. A few people at the wedding talked to me afterwards and they were so nice. Before we left we gave a girl a ride to the bathroom because it was a long walk. Then Ed and Nina took me to Origami for supper. 

When we got home everyone was watching hockey. I read to tommy and Charlie and went to bed, but felt like it took hours for me to fall asleep.

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