Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 4, 2015


This morning the three youngest boys and I went to Bahia Honda for the beach baptism. Ailsa and Shannon slept over last night so they went too. We got there about 9:30 AM and stayed till 2. It was a wonderful relaxing morning. 

Tommy helped Kim with Stevie and then Kim dropped him off at he when she left. Garrett went home with a friend. Charlie had a great time playing in the sand and I read. 

When we got home I did a few chores and then got to work to finish the girls' Easter dresses. I had to finish the armhole facings in two of the dresses and make the buttonholes and sew on buttons. The band played at Sunset Pier and then played in the worship band at church for the first of four services. 

When they got home I had Ed order Chinese for the mob. There were 10 Doerfels, 4 Newtons, Emma and Jewel, Shannon and Ailsa, and Jonathan. 

 When Callie's and Violet's dresses were done I took them over to TJ's house. Then came home and finished Ariel's. I think I finished around 11 PM. I put stuff away and told kids to get ready for bed. I did dishes, and moved laundry. I tried going to sleep but Tom, who had napped, felt gabby, so I didn't get to sleep till after 2 again. 

1 comment:

  1. beautiful dresses, better than anything store bought by far
