Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015


I went walking this morning. I wish I had more time to read. I made myself go. Didn't really want to. Came home and fought discouragement. Our house is soooo trashed. You can hardly get through the walkway at the front door. Kurt's camera stuff, Ed's merc stuff, shoes, garbage. :0( No one did the dishes last night. 

I swept around the kitchen table and washed it off. I spent 2 hours going over 2 algebra lessons and a quiz with Garrett.  I read with Charlie and he and Tommy did their schoolwork. I also worked on Ariel's dress some more. 

The band had a meeting at church at noon, then a practice afterwards. They were supposed to come home and do chores afterwards, but they didn't come home till it was time to leave for Schooner. 

Charlie was a brat. He spent an hour trying not to practice his fiddle. The band left about 4:45 for Schooner Wharf. I made Charlie ride with them and I left an hour later with TJ. I was able to sew a little longer before TJ and I left, but right before I was going to leave, Tom called me saying some exchange students from Germany would be at our house any second. The two girls are staying in Nina's room tonight and the 4 boys are staying at the church. 

Five minutes later I went to leave to pick up TJ and the Saturn wouldn't start. Some dumb security thing. The car starts but then stalls. Anyways, I switched to Ed and Nina's van. After I picked up TJ, the air in the van quit working. Grrr. It did start working halfway to Key West. 

It was nice being at Schooner's. I sat and knit. Watched Jake. It was fun. The night went by fast. Toko sang, and Jake, and Ian, and Naomi, and finally Charlie at the end. Lots of special guest stars. :0)

1 comment:

  1. I love your honest blog post. Pam and I had four kids and caught a glimpse of your busy ness and chaos. We are proud to know your family and friends.
