Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 14, 2015


I went walking this morning, then started school. Bobby dropped Shannon off on his way to work, so she could go with us to "field day" at gym class. The kids were all excited because there was going to be a water slide. Tom took Charlie to his fiddle lesson, and when he came back, Charlie said "field day" was cancelled. Nina was going to take the kids for me, and Ian and Ariel were here too. Everyone was getting ready to go. I went online, and sure enough, a few days before they postponed it till next week. :0/ TJ and Angelica had already left. So, they all ended up going to gym class. 

I stayed home and did bookkeeping, from 1 till 6. Ughhhh!!!! Bobby came in and asked me about his taxes, so we went online and did his taxes. That actually went well. He's getting money back.

I made a grocery list, went to Winn Dixie, and stuffed my cart. I came home and Tommy carried everything up the stairs for me. I made supper while putting groceries away. I made black beans, brown rice, a salad, and cut up 2 watermelons.

I had no energy to clean up, asked Ben to wash dishes and Joe to put leftovers away. Someone was in my bathroom so  I fell asleep without changing into my nightgown. 

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