Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015


This morning Charlie and I did not go to the beach. I needed to stay home and clean. Things have gotten really dirty and cluttered. TJ texted Tom that he needed a ride to our house so I went and got him. When I got back I ate breakfast. Lately I've been eating toast with peanut butter and strawberries with a cup of coffee. The band went to Sunset Pier. They had a double there today.

I did laundry and cleaned my bathroom. I moved the plants around the tub and cleaned all that. I emptied the cupboards, washed them, and got rid of two bags of garbage. I cleaned out my dresser too. Next I want to clean out my closet.

At 4 o'clock I left with Nina for Key West. She had her own gig at 6, and I went to meet a girl who is studying for her GED and asked for help with her English. She ended up not coming so I went to the gig at Sunset Pier. Mikki and Randy were there with Tom. We had a good time. The humidity has been low and it's been super nice out. 

Afterwards, Ed, Mikki, Randy, and I went to see Nina at her gig. When she was done we went home. Tommy didn't put the dishes away and Garrett didn't finish his math. :0(

The pics:  Tom in his office, the boys in between gigs, the ceiling made of vines and flowers, and Nina at her gig.

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015


I haven't walked once this week. We are up late every night and I don't even try to get up early enough to go in the morning. Tom went to TJ's at 8:30 AM so TJ and Ang could go to their gig at Blue Heaven. Then he brought Callie and Violet to our house. Jake went to the gig. 

We did school all day. Charlie got a lot done. He even practiced his fiddle. Garrett was a poke. He only did 2 subjects. He dragged his algebra out all day. Punk. I think he can do it tomorrow too, on Saturday. 

TJ picked up the kids at 4, then I can't remember anything till TJ texted needing a sitter so they could record more for Angelica's cd. Kurt wouldn't so I went over. I brought Charlie and we stopped and picked up subs on our way. I had leftovers in the fridge but who wants to pack 'em up. 

The kids were good. They started off watching Star Wars. I was able to finish the algebra lesson. Callie had a slight fever and she fell asleep first, and then about 11 Violet finally fell asleep. I did the dishes while Jake and Charlie watched Pink Panther. Then Jake fell asleep. 

I was able to watch the kids live stream on and off. Towards the end I started the next algebra lesson. I got about 4 problems done when TJ and Ang came home. 

Ed and Ben were still up. I ate some Waybetter chips with hummus and a pear.  I really wanted some chocolate. I'm glad there was none in the house. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015


Yesterday I finished my weaving project at Kim's studio. I cut it off the loom.

This morning I went grocery shopping. We were out of milk and fruit. At 5 to 11 Tom texted me that we had a band meeting in 5 minutes. I was on my way home and he texted again that the meeting was cancelled. Lucky me. Garrett brought up the groceries and I put them away. I'd like to use up food in the pantry. I started to make a list of things that I need to do before we leave for out trip. 

Joe and Rita folded many baskets of laundry and I did school. Charlie went with Ed and Nina to a gig. The other kids went to church for worship practice and youth group. Tom went to church to to watch TJ's kids. Angelica gave the messege tonight.

I picked up a sub and went to Kim's house. We watched "The Secret Life of Bees." I hung out a little afterwards, then came home. I made corn in the cob, black beans with bulgar wheat, and a salad.

There was no hockey game so Joe and Kurt suggested a movie, "Defiance." We watched it but it was too heavy for me. I need lighter, funny, happy movies. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 25, 2015


I planned on decluttering today, but we were invited to Catana's house. We packed up and went, a little too fast, because Ed forgot stuff for our gig. We had about 3 1/2 hours for a pool/pizza party. We had a great time, then had to to leave for Sloppy Joes at 4:15.

Ben's shirt was soaked with sweat from setting up, so I bought him a new shirt. It was a pretty ordinary night. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 25, 2015

I've fallen behind again. :0/


 We did school. The kids had youth group. I did bookkeeping. Then I actually had time to do something I wanted, but I wasted time instead. At 8 PM I went grocery shopping and came home and made supper. The kids stopped in after youth group but then went out for Chinese. So most of supper went into the fridge as leftovers.


More school and bookkeeping. The band had a gig but I stayed home. The three youngest boys went to the movie night at church. I'm wanting to start a new project but must finish one or two first.


Charlie and I went to the beach. The band had a double at Sunset Pier. In the afternoon I took Charlie with me to visit my friend Dahlia and her daughter Maya. It was fun. I got to sit on her patio and watch the tide go out. Dahlia made us a delicious supper. Then the kids watched a movie and Dahlia and I chatted outside. It was a comfortable, beautiful, breezy night. When we got home everyone was watching hockey. I was exhausted and tried reading to Charlie, but my eyes didn't want to focus so I went to sleep instead.


Went to church. Kim came over and I watched TJ's kids till he was done at church. Then TJ hung out here for a while so Angelica could keep resting.  At 6, Tom went to church but Charlie and I went to Randy and Mikki's. They had us over for supper and to watch the Nascar race. Joe and Rita came over, then Nina, Ed, Ian, and Ariel came, and Tom came last. Dale came in 3rd. 

When we got home I started giving orders, take out the garbage, clean up the living room, and put the dishes away. I cleared off the table and cleaned the sinks in my bathroom. Too many boys shaving. Yuck! I took a quick shower and then read to Charlie. 

Tonight we have a few extra people at our house: Garrett's friend Jonathan. Tommy's friend David, and Ian and Ariel. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 20, 2015


I was trying to make myself go walking when TJ texted and asked if I could watch Violet while he was at a meeting, so I didn't walk. It is so hot out now. Summer weather is here.

We did school all day. The older kids had meetings at church. The band left for Schooner Wharf about 5 PM but I rode down with TJ a little later. The AC is still not working in Tom's car. Hot, hot , hot. 

At Schooner, I sat at a picnic table and read most of the night. Tom and I took a walk to cvs. The band forgot their rechargeable batteries. They were left on a couch at home. 

TJ and I left about 40 minutes before they were done. Then I stayed up too late, just like I'm doing now. :0) I was reading. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015


Kurt took Charlie to his fiddle lesson and I picked him up. Then we went to gym class. I almost sat in the van the whole time, but I got out and Carolyn was there and we had a great visit.

We had to leave right when it was over, to get home on time to leave for Sloppy Joe's. While at Sloppy's, Charlie and Shannon went to Mallory Square but didn't tell anyone they were leaving or where they were going. We checked everywhere many times, looking for him, the Spinter van, Nina's van, the trailer, the back parking lot. I started telling the waitresses that we couldn't find him and then Garrett texted me that he found him.

Our last set was weird. People were attentive but quiet. Tom was grumpy and mean on the way home. Our summer trip is getting closer and I think he is stressed. Blah blah blah. :0/

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015


I went walking this morning, then made the kids do chores. We got a little school work done before leaving for Sloppy's. We left in the Sprinter. Kurt was driving his car to our friend's shop, and Ben was driving the GMC there. Then we were going to leave those vehicles there and pick them up. Something was wrong with one of Kurt's tires, and the GMC needs the AC fixed. About two blocks away from the shop Kurt had a blowout, so he parked it behind Boondocks and we picked him up, then picked up Ben. The rest of the ride was uneventful. Kurt will have to go change his tire tomorrow and then take his car to the shop.

Ang and the kids came for the first set. She had some friends from California at the show, so she hung out with them, and she, Jake, and Callie sang.

We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home. Charlie always buys Popsicles and  Jake wants M & M's.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17, 2015


I haven't written since Tuesday so I'll do my best to remember. 

TJ and Ang had gigs three days (Wednsday-Friday) in a row, so I babysat. Sometimes I had help and sometimes I didn't. Wednesday night they played at Schooner till 11, so Tom and I took the kids to their house and tried to get them in bed. 

We've been doing school everyday, and laundry, and dishes. Every night we get to bed too late. I go to bed first.

I did walk on Wednesday, 3 says in a row!!! But the rest of the week I was too busy. Tom and I and some of the kids went to movie night at the church on Friday. We saw  "Moms' Night Out." I think Tom went skating afterwards and me? I went grocery shopping. :0( Just not fun anymore.

Saturday Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda to the beach. We stayed for 5 hours. Came home and  cleaned up. Kim stopped in for a visit, then Charlie, Tommy, and I went to Randy and Mikki's to watch the nascar race. Another late night. Got home around midnight and read to Charlie. 

Sunday- Went to church, then a birthday party for Minolis' little brother, Matthew. We took TJ's kids too because we were watching them, and because there was a huge water slide and a bounce house. It was very fun but I was very tired. I sat in the shade with Violet. We dropped off TJ's kids. Stopped at home for a half hour, then went to church. 

The boys played hockey. I read and went to bed. Sorry guys, but you'll have to figure supper out on your own. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 12, 2015


I went walking this morning. I have to get out earlier. It's hot. We did school until we left for gym class at 1. I sat in the car and crocheted. Drove home and did more schoolwork. I made a pasta salad for a late lunch. Then we left at 5 for Violet's 1st birthday party at Rotary Park in Marathon. All the kids were there, even Kim, Doug, Stevie, and Reed. Bobby came with Shannon and Aylsa. Hannah, Minolis, Rita, Nina, and Aaron were there too. Rob took Ian, Ariel, and Naomi to the zoo on the mainland so they weren't there.

Angelica made an awesome cake out of fruit and banana muffins. It was delicious.  The kids had a blast at the playground running around with squirt guns. 

When we got home the boys went to the park to play hockey. We had a salad for supper and Kurt went to Winn Dixie and bought ice cream for everyone. Read to Charlie and went to bed, too late of course. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015


Tom's birthday, 56 years old. I went walking. We cleaned up the kitchen and did school till we left for Sloppy's. We got Tom new rollerblades for his birthday. We tricked him. He always shakes the box and when he tried I told him he'd break it, so he thought it was something dumb, if it would break. :0)

Ang took TJ to a doctor's appointment and they met us at Sloppy's. TJ wasn't up to playing yet, but Ang and the kids sang and stole the show. 

I took Callie for an ice cream cone before they left and she sure enjoyed it. 

We are driving home now (10:30 PM) and I am tired out.

May 10, 2015


We went to church. Afterwards Kim came over with the kids, and then TJ and Ang ce over too. TJ had been home all week from his surgery and wanted to get out. He was still in a lot of pain. We had a fun afternoon. I quilted and we just sat around talking.

After they left Tom took a nap. We went to church and the boys played hockey at the park. I made homemade chicken noodle soup (with no chicken) and a salad. Kurt went to Winn Dixie and bought ice cream. The boys watched hockey and we all went to bed too late, except for Ariel. She fell asleep on the couch.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 9, 2015


Charlie and I went to the beach at Bahia Honda. I love getting there and just sitting and drinking my coffee, but I forgot it. :0( We did have a great time though, and stayed for four hours. 

When we got home I cleaned my bathroom. I had hopes of staying home and watching the Nascar race while quilting , but Tom wanted me to go to Schooner Wharf with the band, so I went. Tommy and Charlie went too. Garrett had spent the night at Jaden's house and went fishing with them all day. 

During the show I read and wafched a little of the race. I was so tired though, that half way through I went and lie down in the van. We got home around 2 AM.

Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015


I slept late, till 9. By the time I went walking it was 10:15 and already hot. We had a band meeting, then Garrett and I cleaned the entryway. Garrett took care of all the cardboard that had accumulated and I took care of the shoes and swept. We also took out a bag for Salvation Army and a box of stuff to go to Kim's. 

Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie. We've needed groceries for a week. Came home and put it all away while making something to eat before the gig. We left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf. Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie stayed home. Garrett had to work at the movie night at church and the other two boys wanted to go to the movie.

Kurt drove separate to the gig and his car ran out of gas at a red light in Key West. Poor Kurty. Policemen helped him push it onto the sidewalk because he was blocking traffic.

I probably should have stayed home. I was so all night.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015


I woke up at 3 AM wiping a cockroach off my leg, then it was on my arm, and then it was on my neck. As I was sitting up trying to get away Tom turned on the closet light and it was on my pillow. Then it was gone, then it was under the pillow. He swooshed it away, killed it, and got rid of it somewhere. After that, everything felt like a cockroach. Not a good way to get a good night's sleep. As I sit here about to get ready for bed I could just cry instead. But crying always hurts my head, so I guess I will pretend it didn't happen. 

I would love a week or two of a real vacation, with no commitments, no fighting kids, no peed-in bedding, no triple-sized suppers to plan, make, or clean up. How about a swimming pool, a few books, some embroidery, and a big floppy hat. And someone else to make my food!

Wow, I really got off subject. 

I slept past 9, finally got up, woke up the masses, and started school. Tommy went to his guitar lesson and I did algebra with Garrett. Yesterday we outlined a chapter from his history book. He should finish it on his own tomorrow. When Tommy got back I read their literature aloud while they did the dishes. I did some work with Charlie, then helped him practice his fiddle. I worked on and off the rest of the day on today's algebra lesson. I still have 4 problems to go but ran out of time.

I took a lap desk and a book over to TJ's, and picked up Tommy's schoolbooks that he left their yesterday. Tommy spent yesterday helping TJ and watching Violet. TJ is recovering from surgery and Ang had a gig at Blue Heaven with Nina and Ed. On my way home I picked up a sub and went to meet Tom for a late lunch. (It was 7 PM). He was working on a roof a few blocks away. We split the sub. Then I went home. Did more algebra and finally started supper at 8:15. The kids had all gone to youth group at the park to play ultimate frisbee. 

They came home, showered, and a bunch went out for Chinese. I will be happy for my leftover supper that they didn't eat. There will be something to eat for lunch. I made beans, rice, and a salad with strawberries. Tom and I ate while he watched hockey. I did a few more math problems but quit to write this. I will give directions for kitchen clean-up and go to bed. Maybe I'll read to Charlie. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 5, 2015


Tom took TJ to Key West at 5 AM for surgery this morning, his second hernia operation. He dropped him off and came home. I went over and picked up Jake, Callie, and Violet to help Angelica out. She is still trying to get over never sleeping (thank you Violet) and wanted to clean because their landlord was coming on Wednesday and she wanted TJ to come home from the hospital to a clean house. 

We did some school, then a few hours later Angelica picked up Callie and Violet and went home. We took Jake with us to Sloppy Joes. Jake was so cute tonight. He gets better every show. Angelica picked up TJ from the hospital. We missed him at the show. Get better fast TJ!!! (but enjoy your time off). Hope you get some rest.

After Sloppy's we stopped at Winn Dixie, about 10:45. We were out of milk and fruit for two days. We dropped Jake off, then went home. Then I took Shannon home. The nights keep getting later and later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 3, 2015


Went to church, then Jake, Callie, and Violet came over. I rolled out the indoor/outdoor, filled the pool and got out the bubbles and squirt guns. Jake, Callie, and Charlie played outside for a while. We watched Dale Jr. win the race at Talladaga while passing Violet around. She finally fell asleep on Garrett. 

Nina's band played at Sunset Pier, then they went to a pool party at Catana's. 

While watching the race I made two Buffalo Chicken wing pizzas, one for Kim. Then Joe, Rita, and I took a pizza and a spinach and strawberry salad over to Kim's.  

After that Tom and I went to church. When we got home Tom watched hockey, I read to Charlie and went to bed. 

May 2, 2015


I spent the morning cleaning off the porch, trying to make my little oasis. I made Garrett help me move stuff, throw out some plants, and trim others. It's a start. Then Dahlia came and we drove down to Key West. The band played at Sunset Pier earlier, then we met them over at Truman waterfront for the Keystock concert. The band backed up Liza Catana. Then Howard Livingston played, then Grand Funk Railroad. 

Dahlia and I took a walk after Liza played. We went to Blue Heaven and ate supper. Hanrow was there and it was nice to see him. We walked back to the concert and caught the last two songs of Grand Funk. (They were pretty grumpy and unfriendly backstage). 

Then the Catana's took us out for supper, of course Dahlia and I were already stuffed. :0) It was late driving home, and poor Dahlia had another 45 minutes to drive after we got home. Then she had car trouble and had to call a friend for help in the middle of the night. Other than that, we had a great day.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 1, 2015


Hmmm....I've fallen behind. Ill try to remember... I did school and my parents left. I finished crocheting some lace and finished sewing on my latest baby dress. 

We went to The Hurricane in the evening but Tommy and Garrett stayed home.  While the band was setting up Tom and I walked over to Home Depot. I bought some green indoor/outdoor carpet for my oasis, I mean porch. I knit for two hours, then Charlie and I went home at 11 PM. 

The boys at home were playing video games with their friend Jonathan when I got home. The game was soooo loud. I told them many times to turn it down. I was trying to read in my room. At 1 AM I told them to go to bed, then at 2 AM I went out to the living room and and Jonathan was the only one who had gone to bed. I think it's time for sabotage or something. When I was growing up one of our neighbor's mom's got so mad about the TV that she cut the cord. I wouldn't do anything like that, but maybe a cord could go missing. :0) Anybody ever read a book anymore?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

April 30, 2015


We did school and I hung out with my parents. We took a ride and went to Winn Dixie and Salvation Army. Once home, I tripled the recipe for Shepherd's Pie so I could take some to Kim and Doug's for their supper. My mom made cheesecake. The big kids spent most of the day at church, getting ready for youth group. 

After they had all gone, my parents and I took the food over to Kim's house. They wanted to see the new baby too. I bugged him for a good 15 minutes but he wouldn't wake up. Kim said he's awake more during the night than in the daytime. 

Everyone ate supper about 9 o'clock when they came home from youth group. Then we had cheescake and frozen banana cream pie!