Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17, 2015


I haven't written since Tuesday so I'll do my best to remember. 

TJ and Ang had gigs three days (Wednsday-Friday) in a row, so I babysat. Sometimes I had help and sometimes I didn't. Wednesday night they played at Schooner till 11, so Tom and I took the kids to their house and tried to get them in bed. 

We've been doing school everyday, and laundry, and dishes. Every night we get to bed too late. I go to bed first.

I did walk on Wednesday, 3 says in a row!!! But the rest of the week I was too busy. Tom and I and some of the kids went to movie night at the church on Friday. We saw  "Moms' Night Out." I think Tom went skating afterwards and me? I went grocery shopping. :0( Just not fun anymore.

Saturday Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda to the beach. We stayed for 5 hours. Came home and  cleaned up. Kim stopped in for a visit, then Charlie, Tommy, and I went to Randy and Mikki's to watch the nascar race. Another late night. Got home around midnight and read to Charlie. 

Sunday- Went to church, then a birthday party for Minolis' little brother, Matthew. We took TJ's kids too because we were watching them, and because there was a huge water slide and a bounce house. It was very fun but I was very tired. I sat in the shade with Violet. We dropped off TJ's kids. Stopped at home for a half hour, then went to church. 

The boys played hockey. I read and went to bed. Sorry guys, but you'll have to figure supper out on your own. 

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