Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 5, 2015


Tom took TJ to Key West at 5 AM for surgery this morning, his second hernia operation. He dropped him off and came home. I went over and picked up Jake, Callie, and Violet to help Angelica out. She is still trying to get over never sleeping (thank you Violet) and wanted to clean because their landlord was coming on Wednesday and she wanted TJ to come home from the hospital to a clean house. 

We did some school, then a few hours later Angelica picked up Callie and Violet and went home. We took Jake with us to Sloppy Joes. Jake was so cute tonight. He gets better every show. Angelica picked up TJ from the hospital. We missed him at the show. Get better fast TJ!!! (but enjoy your time off). Hope you get some rest.

After Sloppy's we stopped at Winn Dixie, about 10:45. We were out of milk and fruit for two days. We dropped Jake off, then went home. Then I took Shannon home. The nights keep getting later and later.

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