Sunday, May 3, 2015

April 30, 2015


We did school and I hung out with my parents. We took a ride and went to Winn Dixie and Salvation Army. Once home, I tripled the recipe for Shepherd's Pie so I could take some to Kim and Doug's for their supper. My mom made cheesecake. The big kids spent most of the day at church, getting ready for youth group. 

After they had all gone, my parents and I took the food over to Kim's house. They wanted to see the new baby too. I bugged him for a good 15 minutes but he wouldn't wake up. Kim said he's awake more during the night than in the daytime. 

Everyone ate supper about 9 o'clock when they came home from youth group. Then we had cheescake and frozen banana cream pie!

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