Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015


I woke up at 3 AM wiping a cockroach off my leg, then it was on my arm, and then it was on my neck. As I was sitting up trying to get away Tom turned on the closet light and it was on my pillow. Then it was gone, then it was under the pillow. He swooshed it away, killed it, and got rid of it somewhere. After that, everything felt like a cockroach. Not a good way to get a good night's sleep. As I sit here about to get ready for bed I could just cry instead. But crying always hurts my head, so I guess I will pretend it didn't happen. 

I would love a week or two of a real vacation, with no commitments, no fighting kids, no peed-in bedding, no triple-sized suppers to plan, make, or clean up. How about a swimming pool, a few books, some embroidery, and a big floppy hat. And someone else to make my food!

Wow, I really got off subject. 

I slept past 9, finally got up, woke up the masses, and started school. Tommy went to his guitar lesson and I did algebra with Garrett. Yesterday we outlined a chapter from his history book. He should finish it on his own tomorrow. When Tommy got back I read their literature aloud while they did the dishes. I did some work with Charlie, then helped him practice his fiddle. I worked on and off the rest of the day on today's algebra lesson. I still have 4 problems to go but ran out of time.

I took a lap desk and a book over to TJ's, and picked up Tommy's schoolbooks that he left their yesterday. Tommy spent yesterday helping TJ and watching Violet. TJ is recovering from surgery and Ang had a gig at Blue Heaven with Nina and Ed. On my way home I picked up a sub and went to meet Tom for a late lunch. (It was 7 PM). He was working on a roof a few blocks away. We split the sub. Then I went home. Did more algebra and finally started supper at 8:15. The kids had all gone to youth group at the park to play ultimate frisbee. 

They came home, showered, and a bunch went out for Chinese. I will be happy for my leftover supper that they didn't eat. There will be something to eat for lunch. I made beans, rice, and a salad with strawberries. Tom and I ate while he watched hockey. I did a few more math problems but quit to write this. I will give directions for kitchen clean-up and go to bed. Maybe I'll read to Charlie. 

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