Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 2, 2015


I spent the morning cleaning off the porch, trying to make my little oasis. I made Garrett help me move stuff, throw out some plants, and trim others. It's a start. Then Dahlia came and we drove down to Key West. The band played at Sunset Pier earlier, then we met them over at Truman waterfront for the Keystock concert. The band backed up Liza Catana. Then Howard Livingston played, then Grand Funk Railroad. 

Dahlia and I took a walk after Liza played. We went to Blue Heaven and ate supper. Hanrow was there and it was nice to see him. We walked back to the concert and caught the last two songs of Grand Funk. (They were pretty grumpy and unfriendly backstage). 

Then the Catana's took us out for supper, of course Dahlia and I were already stuffed. :0) It was late driving home, and poor Dahlia had another 45 minutes to drive after we got home. Then she had car trouble and had to call a friend for help in the middle of the night. Other than that, we had a great day.

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