Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015


Kurt took Charlie to his fiddle lesson and I picked him up. Then we went to gym class. I almost sat in the van the whole time, but I got out and Carolyn was there and we had a great visit.

We had to leave right when it was over, to get home on time to leave for Sloppy Joe's. While at Sloppy's, Charlie and Shannon went to Mallory Square but didn't tell anyone they were leaving or where they were going. We checked everywhere many times, looking for him, the Spinter van, Nina's van, the trailer, the back parking lot. I started telling the waitresses that we couldn't find him and then Garrett texted me that he found him.

Our last set was weird. People were attentive but quiet. Tom was grumpy and mean on the way home. Our summer trip is getting closer and I think he is stressed. Blah blah blah. :0/

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