Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 3, 2015


Went to church, then Jake, Callie, and Violet came over. I rolled out the indoor/outdoor, filled the pool and got out the bubbles and squirt guns. Jake, Callie, and Charlie played outside for a while. We watched Dale Jr. win the race at Talladaga while passing Violet around. She finally fell asleep on Garrett. 

Nina's band played at Sunset Pier, then they went to a pool party at Catana's. 

While watching the race I made two Buffalo Chicken wing pizzas, one for Kim. Then Joe, Rita, and I took a pizza and a spinach and strawberry salad over to Kim's.  

After that Tom and I went to church. When we got home Tom watched hockey, I read to Charlie and went to bed. 

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