Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015


Yesterday I finished my weaving project at Kim's studio. I cut it off the loom.

This morning I went grocery shopping. We were out of milk and fruit. At 5 to 11 Tom texted me that we had a band meeting in 5 minutes. I was on my way home and he texted again that the meeting was cancelled. Lucky me. Garrett brought up the groceries and I put them away. I'd like to use up food in the pantry. I started to make a list of things that I need to do before we leave for out trip. 

Joe and Rita folded many baskets of laundry and I did school. Charlie went with Ed and Nina to a gig. The other kids went to church for worship practice and youth group. Tom went to church to to watch TJ's kids. Angelica gave the messege tonight.

I picked up a sub and went to Kim's house. We watched "The Secret Life of Bees." I hung out a little afterwards, then came home. I made corn in the cob, black beans with bulgar wheat, and a salad.

There was no hockey game so Joe and Kurt suggested a movie, "Defiance." We watched it but it was too heavy for me. I need lighter, funny, happy movies. 

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