Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 25, 2015

I've fallen behind again. :0/


 We did school. The kids had youth group. I did bookkeeping. Then I actually had time to do something I wanted, but I wasted time instead. At 8 PM I went grocery shopping and came home and made supper. The kids stopped in after youth group but then went out for Chinese. So most of supper went into the fridge as leftovers.


More school and bookkeeping. The band had a gig but I stayed home. The three youngest boys went to the movie night at church. I'm wanting to start a new project but must finish one or two first.


Charlie and I went to the beach. The band had a double at Sunset Pier. In the afternoon I took Charlie with me to visit my friend Dahlia and her daughter Maya. It was fun. I got to sit on her patio and watch the tide go out. Dahlia made us a delicious supper. Then the kids watched a movie and Dahlia and I chatted outside. It was a comfortable, beautiful, breezy night. When we got home everyone was watching hockey. I was exhausted and tried reading to Charlie, but my eyes didn't want to focus so I went to sleep instead.


Went to church. Kim came over and I watched TJ's kids till he was done at church. Then TJ hung out here for a while so Angelica could keep resting.  At 6, Tom went to church but Charlie and I went to Randy and Mikki's. They had us over for supper and to watch the Nascar race. Joe and Rita came over, then Nina, Ed, Ian, and Ariel came, and Tom came last. Dale came in 3rd. 

When we got home I started giving orders, take out the garbage, clean up the living room, and put the dishes away. I cleared off the table and cleaned the sinks in my bathroom. Too many boys shaving. Yuck! I took a quick shower and then read to Charlie. 

Tonight we have a few extra people at our house: Garrett's friend Jonathan. Tommy's friend David, and Ian and Ariel. 

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