Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015


I haven't walked once this week. We are up late every night and I don't even try to get up early enough to go in the morning. Tom went to TJ's at 8:30 AM so TJ and Ang could go to their gig at Blue Heaven. Then he brought Callie and Violet to our house. Jake went to the gig. 

We did school all day. Charlie got a lot done. He even practiced his fiddle. Garrett was a poke. He only did 2 subjects. He dragged his algebra out all day. Punk. I think he can do it tomorrow too, on Saturday. 

TJ picked up the kids at 4, then I can't remember anything till TJ texted needing a sitter so they could record more for Angelica's cd. Kurt wouldn't so I went over. I brought Charlie and we stopped and picked up subs on our way. I had leftovers in the fridge but who wants to pack 'em up. 

The kids were good. They started off watching Star Wars. I was able to finish the algebra lesson. Callie had a slight fever and she fell asleep first, and then about 11 Violet finally fell asleep. I did the dishes while Jake and Charlie watched Pink Panther. Then Jake fell asleep. 

I was able to watch the kids live stream on and off. Towards the end I started the next algebra lesson. I got about 4 problems done when TJ and Ang came home. 

Ed and Ben were still up. I ate some Waybetter chips with hummus and a pear.  I really wanted some chocolate. I'm glad there was none in the house. 

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