Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 30, 2016


Tom and I met John at the house at 8 AM for a work day. We painted till noon, took a lunch break and then worked some more. Mikki came over and painted our green room, Tommy and Charlie's room. Tom and a new volunteer painted blue in the master bathroom. 

Kim picked me up about 6 o'clock and we went to Ave C and ate leftover chili and salad. I quilted while Tommy took a retake for his Logic midterm. I corrected it, sent in his grade, and went to bed. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 29, 2016


I don't like getting behind writing. I am too busy. I stay up too late because when we are home in the evening we eat supper a little after 9 PM and then the dishes get done around 11 if I'm lucky. Then I'm too tired to write. :0(

On Wednesday we did school. The band had a gig at Schooner Wharf and Tom worked on walls getting them ready for painting. It rained a lot today, on and off, but pouring hard. Bob and I were going to go to the gig but he had to work late. Today he had a 14 hour day. So we went to Boondocks instead. We had an enjoyable evening. When I got home I did some bookkeeping. Yeah.

Thursday I can hardly remember. I watched TJ's girls so Uncle Jack could go to their gig (Hogfish) with them. They were good. Callie helped me make Buffalo cauliflower and a salad. We made some chocolate chip cookies too. The big kids had youth group and I invited John over to eat supper with us. 

My Friday plans were all changed. I had to drop Tom off at the house to work. Ben and Alex went too. I stopped at Winn Dixie for smoothie stuff for Ed. Then Kim and I went walking. Charlie and I did art and I really enjoyed it. The lesson was on using lines, fat and thin with Sharpie markers. Just when we pulled the watercolors out Tom asked me to bring him his breakfast (I'm sure it was noon by then) so off I went with Charlie in tow.

Next I was sent on a mission to Home Depot to buy paint, the kitchen sink, and to order other supplies. I took Tommy with me on that trip. Drove home, dropped off the stuff, stopped at Winn Dixie for chili fixings, made chili and a salad and then made brownies. 

The boys played hockey and we had supper. John came for hockey and supper. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 26, 2016


I woke up Charlie three times this morning. He's got to get to bed earlier. I took him to his fiddle lesson at 11:30, then went over to Wilhelmina to pick out paint colors for the interior of the house. John had just put up the laundry doors and it's almost ready for painting.

I picked up Charlie and we stopped at Winn Dixie for a few staples. We hurried through there and went home. Eddy made us some waffles and before we knew it, it was time to get ready for Sloppy Joes. We dropped Charlie off for swimming, then by the time we got to Sloppy's I had to leave to go pick him up. 

Sloppy's was packed again. I took the kids to Duetto's and bought Ed some medicine from CVS. I started quilting a pot holder while sitting at the cd table. John came again. He stopped at Home Depot to buy the paint but there was no one there to mix it so he will have to go back. He bought the primer and trim paint.

Our son Bobby is the manager of the Tom Thumb on Big Pine. His night person quit tonight. He is having such a hard time finding people who want to work. Anybody looking for a job?

Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016


It was 55 degrees this morning. I couldn't make myself go walking. I went in the hot tub instead. I was going to do school with Charlie but the public school kids had the day off and Mathew invited him over so I let him go. 

I finished a lecture and did laundry. I didn't really get anything else done. We left for Sloppy's at 3:30 but had to go back around the block and pick up Tommy because he wasn't in the van. 

Tom sold an oven we had and we delivered it on our way to the gig.

Sloppy's was full all night. Mikki and Randy came, and John T. too. On our way home we stopped and looked at a car. Tom bought it. Tom says it's for me but I say it's for Ed and Ben. I'll wait for my little truck. 

January 24, 2016


I had time to quilt this morning before we went to church. After church Kim didn't come over. Stevie fell asleep in the car so she went home. I quilted some more. Then Mikki came over and helped me set up Quickbooks on the computer. Now I have to learn to use it. I'm scared. I guess every Friday I need to work on it. I think I'm going to call the account's secretary for some  more help. 

Ed was home sick all day. Ben and Joe played with Nina at Sunset Pier. Tommy and I went over to church about 6 o'clock and met Tom there. He spent the afternoon working at the house.

After church the boys played hockey. I made white bean soup and a salad for supper. Tonight was one of the rare nights that they ate the whole salad. Sometimes nobody touches it but Tom, Rob, and I. I cleaned up some of the dishes, but not all. It was after midnight when I got to bed.:0(

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016


I haven't written for a week. I am staying up too late every night and then I'm too tired to write. 

My parents came to visit. They came on Saturday and stayed till Thursday. That was great. We were busy all the time. Sloppy's on Monday. Tuesday was Jake's 6th birthday and most of the boys and TJ's family went to the mainland. TJ rented an ice rink and got Jake goalie equipment. Dad and I did errands all day and I made a birthday cake. When the crew came back at 10 PM we had a birthday cake and a little surprise party for my mom whose birthday was a few days before. We got her a tablet and she was surprised. :0)

Also, this past week our friend John came down from Fort Peirce to help finish our house. He is now then person in charge of getting it done. He brought down the table he made and put in the bench seat and cabinet that he made too. It looks great and I'm starting to get excited about moving in.

Thursday Tom and I went shopping for appliances, sinks, faucets, ceiling fans, and a few lights. At first it was overwhelming but it all worked out. The only thing we bought was a microwave and when we got home I made a list online of everything that needs to be ordered. Friday morning I ordered a double oven. That was a big deal. I'm very excited about that.

The band had a rare Friday off. I invited Mikki and Randy over for supper. Kim and Bobby came over. Everyone was here except TJ's family. I made shepherd's pie, a salad, and apple crisp. 

Saturday morning there was a workday at the house, from 8-12. A bunch of volunteers from the Navy came. I went over afterwards with Mikki and Randy to take a peek at things. Then I listened to two lectures for my class. We went over to Mikki and Randy's house for a little jam. Tj, Angelica, Joe, and Ben came, with Tom, Uncle Jack, Charlie, and the kids. Mikki had supper for us all. We came home and I ended the night quilting.

Monday, January 18, 2016

January 17, 2016


We went to the 9:30 service at church so we could get on the road for the Baygrass Bluegrass Festival. We had a thunderstorm come thru this morning with high winds and lots of rain but by the time we got there the sun was out. It was still windy though. Tom , Charlie, and I rode with my parents.

The festival was fun. The kids played with no drums. I know Kurt loved having the day off. Charlie's fiddle group played at the festival too. It was fun and I hope we can go up there earlier next year. 

When we got home I laid down for about 15 minutes. The boys played hockey. I got up and made popcorn. I hung out for a little while but was so tired I finally went to bed. 

January 16, 2016


I went walking, then started cleaning. (My parents are coming to visit later tonight). I changed the bedding in the guest room because kids have been sleeping in there. I swept and did laundry, dishes, and cleaned my bathroom. I took care of a bunch of cardboard that was collecting in the living room. 

I helped Tommy study for his math midterm on and off thru the day. His midterms are next week.  

The band moved their equipment into TJ's Tahoe. TJ borrowed the GMC to tow his camper to the Baygrass Bluegrass Festival in Islamorada. 

I made supper, vegan meatloaf, cheesy potatoes, and apple pie. Then I sat in my easy chair, I mean office chair, and quilted at the kitchen table while waiting for my parents to arrive. 

The boys played hockey. 

The guy in charge of finishing our house quit. Things have been a little slow. I guess his heart wasn't in it. Soooo, Tom told them about his friend John and they hired him. He starts on Tuesday. 

January 15, 2016


Today was more of the same old stuff, but at 4 o'clock Tom, And a few of us went to work at Wilhelmina. Tom worked on walls and we worked on scrubbing the haze off the tile floors. We finished two bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and the kitchen. There's 3 rooms to go. I ran out and picked up Chinese for us. When I got back to the house I discovered there were no forks, so we called it quits and went over to Joe's apartment to eat it. Bob, Alex, Kurt, and Aaron were there so we shared our food and there was still a little left for Tommy and Charlie. 

Tommy and Charlie went to the movie night at church. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 14, 2016


Jake and Callie slept great last night, but not Violet. She woke up about 2:30 AM and we fell into a routine. I'd hold her, she'd fall back asleep in 15 minutes, I'd wait 15 more minutes and put her down. She'd sleep for 15 minutes and then we would start all over again. After a while I gave up and Violet and I went to the kitchen. I sat holding her in my office chair (It's the closest thing I have to a rocking chair) at the kitchen table and watched an old PBS thing on you tube, Pioneer Home, or something like that. I watched a lot of episodes, and before I knew it, the sun was coming up.

Well, that brought back memories and threw my whole day off. Tommy did school. Charlie did a little. The big kids got ready and set up for youth group, Tom took Charlie to swim class, and I walked over to Bistro 31 and ate supper by myself and enjoyed it very much. 

I came home and quilted. No one else was home. It was great!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 13, 2016


I walked with Kim, then did school. I haven't folded laundry in over a week. It's piling up. School, dishes, and food are taking up all my time. 

TJ and Ang dropped the kids off and drove to Fort Lauderdale to pick up Uncle Jack. His plane was supposed to come in at 11 PM but it didn't. I took the kids to church, came home for a little bit, and then took TJ's kids home to put them to bed. After I got them out of their car seats TJ texted saying that Jack's flight wouldn't get in till tomorrow at noon. So I put the kids back in the car seats and took them back to my house. Violet screamed the whole time. TJ and Ang decided to stay overnight on the mainland near the airport. 

January 12, 2016


I took Charlie to his fiddle lesson, exercised, and did schoolwork until 3 o'clock, when I started to get ready for our gig. I watched TJ's kids for about an hour before we left. 

Sloppy's was busy. It's busy all the time now. I was interviewed during our first set. I didn't get the cd table set up and at the end of the first set Alex took it over and sold CDs out of the box.  He sold a lot. Jake was super cute. He sang a new song called "I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow."

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 11, 2016


I didn't walk today because it was raining. I made banana pumpkin muffins for breakfast and then started Charlie back to school. We had a great day. 

We left for Sloppy Joe's about 3:45. We still don't have our Sprinter back. The guy that's supposed to be fixing it is sick.  It's been in the shop for a month. It's a big pain in the butt. 

Sloppy's was busy. It was a chilly 65 degrees so I took the kids for cookies instead of gelato. When we got home at 11 o'clock Tom went back to the house to work on drywall some more.  

January 10, 2016


We went to church, Kim came over afterwards. Then Mikki picked up Charlie and I and we went to Deb's to go swimming and hang out. Ben and Ed went to Key West and played with Nina's band at Sunset Pier. Tom went over to the Habitat house and worked. I think he's worked on the drywall. 

Charlie and I had a great time. We haven't had a real day off in forever. We haven't gone to the beach like we used to, either. We have to start going again on Saturday mornings. Anyways, we had a picnic at the pool with Deb and Mikki. 

At 6, Tom and I went to church, then the boys played hockey. While they were gone I made spaghetti and a salad. We ate. The boys watched hockey and I quilted. Tom went back to the Habitat house to work some more. I went to bed. :0)

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 9, 2015


Violet and Jake got up nice and early. I made them oatmeal with blueberries and we had a great day. Charlie went to Mathew's house, the band (and Jake) went to Sunset Pier, the first of two gigs. I took down our Christmas tree. It was shedding a lot, and it's a fake tree, so I decided to throw it out. 

When Violet took her nap after lunch, Tommy watched her while I went to Winn Dixie for diapers and then ran into Bealls for a cute little outfit for her. I had such a nice day, staying home. When she fell asleep at night I quilted until TJ came and picked her up.  Their second gig was at Schooner Wharf and TJ left early because he has to go to work at church super early.

I'm trying to make "to do" lists everyday. I find that I go from room to room seeing and doing things that need to be done but then I forget or don't get to things I wanted to get done.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 8, 2016


I went walking with Kim. Then Ben, Emma, Joe, Alex  and I went over to Wilhemena to get the model and serial numbers off the appliances. We are going to pick out ones that we want and sell these ones back to the store. They are new and still in the boxes. After that we went to Bagel Island because Ben wanted to.

I spent half the day cleaning off the island and kitchen table again. I practiced fiddle with Charlie. TJ brought Jake and Violet over. Ang and Callie went on a little trip to the mainland to meet up with Connie and her little girl. 

The band went to Schooner Wharf. I pulled out a quilt and got some quilting done and watched a movie. I've been reading books that have been made into movies so it's a treat to finish a book so I can watch the movie. I maybe read a book a month. 

Jake and Violet spent the night. I started Jake out at the other end of Charlie's bed but they kept talking and then were arguing so Jake moved out to Ed's room. I made Violet a bed on the floor at the end of my bed. The band got home about 2 AM and she woke up at 2:30 and stayed up for about 1 1/2 hours. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

January 7, 2016


Tommy did school and then had a guitar lesson. I asked Garrett 3 times to mow grass and weed wack but he never did it. Now he's on the naughty list. I took a pic of the cardboard Christmas tree next to the real tree. Garrett hasn't been taking out the cardboard either. Can you tell?

 I did dishes and washed my sheets. I tried forever to clear off the island and kitchen table. 

TJ dropped off the kids and they went to their gig at Blue Heaven. The big kids went to play ultimate frisbee at the park. Tom was home so he watched the kids and I went to Winn Dixie for groceries. When I was done Tom texted and asked me to stop at the church because Fran's truck battery was dead and he needed a jump. We tried but his truck wouldn't start. I brought him to our house and put groceries away while everyone ate ice cream. Then Tom took Fran home. They stopped at Wilhemena and moved some appliances.

About 9 I took the girls home and put Callie to bed. Violet stayed up till TJ got home, around 11:30 again. I didn't stop at the house on my way home. Tom was there working on something.  I just wanted to go to sleep.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 6, 2016


I did chores all day and worked on my  class. I am behind in everything.TJ dropped the kids off for babysitting. They had an evening gig at Blueheaven. We went to church. I brought the kids to my house for a little, then took them home and put them to bed. Jake stayed up to see TJ. 

About 11 PM TJ got home and I went by the house to see if Tom was still working and sure enough, he was. I helped him for an hour and a half. I washed stuff off the tile that he just grouted. I got to bed after 2 AM. I am so tired of staying up so late. :0(

Kim made this rag rug and I made the shower curtain. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 5, 2016


It's finally cold here. I think the low was in the mid-60s last night.

I woke up early and read, then woke Tommy up at 9 for school. He had classes till 12:30, then he, Charlie, and Garrett got a ride from some homeschool friends to gym class. While they were gone I finished the lectures for my class. I also watched TJ's kids for a little while. 

Tom worked at the house. It rained a lot so the boys couldn't play hockey. Ed bought chicken wings from Winn Dixie. It's his new favorite. I didn't eat any. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Friday (Jan. 1, 2016)

Tom worked on the tile more. We went to Randy and Mikki's. Mikki made us lush food. She always takes care of us. Thank you Mikki!!

Saturday (Jan. 2)

I did dishes and laundry. The band went to Sunset Pier for a double. Tom worked on more tile. I don't think it wil ever be done. At 3 o'clock he and I went to Key West. I met Evelyn and helped her study for her GED. Tom hung out with the band and Jake and Callie. It poured. Afterwards the band hung out gabbing so long and I was starving, so I walked to Duetto's and bought pizza, then stopped and bought a chocolate chip cookie. When I got back they were still gabbing. :0( It turned out to be a long day. When I finally got home I went straight to bed. 

Sunday (Jan. 3)

I woke up extra early, before 7 AM. I did dishes but was out of dishwasher detergent so I couldn't run the dishwasher. Went to church. Kim came over. I worked on my class until Mikki picked me up and we went to see Redhead Express at Schooner Wharf. Joe went with us. Ed, Ben, and Nina's band met us there. They stayed for one set and we stayed for two. It was a fun night. 

On the way home we stopped at the house where Tom had been working all day. Mikki went home and then I went home with Tom. He watched hockey highlights and I went to bed. I think the boys played laser tag with the Walker boys. 

Monday (Jan. 4)

I woke up extra early again. This time it was because Charlie threw up in his bed and on the floor next to his bed. It was around 5 AM. After cleaning that up and getting him back to bed I couldn't fall back asleep. I went walking, got a few groceries, only what we really needed and some food Charlie could eat. I made vegetable soup, practiced fiddle with Charlie, and worked on my class. I'm almost caught up. 

Went to Sloppy's. It was busy. Stopped at Schooner afterwards to see Redhead Express. We got there just as they were taking a break, so everyone got to visit a little. Tonight is their last night in the Keys.  Hanrow and his family were there. I talked with them a little, then we had to go home. 

The boys are planning to play laser tag tonight with the Walker boys again.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

December 31. 2015


I went walking. Becky's peeps went to Key West. I did some laundry, dishes, stuff like that. The band left for our gig at Hawk's Cay about 3:30. Tommy and I rode with Mikki and Randy. TJ's family went in Kurt's car because the air quit working in his truck. Becky's crew went too. The temp here has been around 84 in the day and 75 at night. Our Sprinter is still in the shop waiting for a part. 

We hung out and ate. Some of us went swimming. The band played 9-12 and then we watched the fireworks. I was lucky and got a ride home with Mikki and Randy so I was home a little after 1. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

December 30, 2015


I went with Becky, Dan, Peter, and Alex to Mangrove Mama's for breakfast. It took a long time for our food to come. We had to eat fast and then hurry to meet Ed in Key West to see the Star Wars movie. I bought popcorn and pop and  shared it with the boys. Ed brought Ben, Joe, Tommy, and Charlie with him. I loved the movie.

Afterwards Becky's group hung out in KW more and I went home with the boys. I made Buffalo chicken lasagna. Kim stopped over and then we went to church. TJ gave me his kids at church and he and Ang went out for supper with our relatives (Wrights) from NY. There first stop at Square Grouper had a 2 1/2 hour wait, and I think the 2nd stop was the same. They ended up at Geiger Key. The musician there was the Rich, the guy who owned the NY music store where TJ took lessons when he was growing up. What fun!

After church I brought TJ's kids to my house and watched them here. I got to sit out in the hammock chairs with our company before going to bed. What a fun day.