Monday, January 25, 2016

January 24, 2016


I had time to quilt this morning before we went to church. After church Kim didn't come over. Stevie fell asleep in the car so she went home. I quilted some more. Then Mikki came over and helped me set up Quickbooks on the computer. Now I have to learn to use it. I'm scared. I guess every Friday I need to work on it. I think I'm going to call the account's secretary for some  more help. 

Ed was home sick all day. Ben and Joe played with Nina at Sunset Pier. Tommy and I went over to church about 6 o'clock and met Tom there. He spent the afternoon working at the house.

After church the boys played hockey. I made white bean soup and a salad for supper. Tonight was one of the rare nights that they ate the whole salad. Sometimes nobody touches it but Tom, Rob, and I. I cleaned up some of the dishes, but not all. It was after midnight when I got to bed.:0(

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