Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 14, 2016


Jake and Callie slept great last night, but not Violet. She woke up about 2:30 AM and we fell into a routine. I'd hold her, she'd fall back asleep in 15 minutes, I'd wait 15 more minutes and put her down. She'd sleep for 15 minutes and then we would start all over again. After a while I gave up and Violet and I went to the kitchen. I sat holding her in my office chair (It's the closest thing I have to a rocking chair) at the kitchen table and watched an old PBS thing on you tube, Pioneer Home, or something like that. I watched a lot of episodes, and before I knew it, the sun was coming up.

Well, that brought back memories and threw my whole day off. Tommy did school. Charlie did a little. The big kids got ready and set up for youth group, Tom took Charlie to swim class, and I walked over to Bistro 31 and ate supper by myself and enjoyed it very much. 

I came home and quilted. No one else was home. It was great!!

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