Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Friday (Jan. 1, 2016)

Tom worked on the tile more. We went to Randy and Mikki's. Mikki made us lush food. She always takes care of us. Thank you Mikki!!

Saturday (Jan. 2)

I did dishes and laundry. The band went to Sunset Pier for a double. Tom worked on more tile. I don't think it wil ever be done. At 3 o'clock he and I went to Key West. I met Evelyn and helped her study for her GED. Tom hung out with the band and Jake and Callie. It poured. Afterwards the band hung out gabbing so long and I was starving, so I walked to Duetto's and bought pizza, then stopped and bought a chocolate chip cookie. When I got back they were still gabbing. :0( It turned out to be a long day. When I finally got home I went straight to bed. 

Sunday (Jan. 3)

I woke up extra early, before 7 AM. I did dishes but was out of dishwasher detergent so I couldn't run the dishwasher. Went to church. Kim came over. I worked on my class until Mikki picked me up and we went to see Redhead Express at Schooner Wharf. Joe went with us. Ed, Ben, and Nina's band met us there. They stayed for one set and we stayed for two. It was a fun night. 

On the way home we stopped at the house where Tom had been working all day. Mikki went home and then I went home with Tom. He watched hockey highlights and I went to bed. I think the boys played laser tag with the Walker boys. 

Monday (Jan. 4)

I woke up extra early again. This time it was because Charlie threw up in his bed and on the floor next to his bed. It was around 5 AM. After cleaning that up and getting him back to bed I couldn't fall back asleep. I went walking, got a few groceries, only what we really needed and some food Charlie could eat. I made vegetable soup, practiced fiddle with Charlie, and worked on my class. I'm almost caught up. 

Went to Sloppy's. It was busy. Stopped at Schooner afterwards to see Redhead Express. We got there just as they were taking a break, so everyone got to visit a little. Tonight is their last night in the Keys.  Hanrow and his family were there. I talked with them a little, then we had to go home. 

The boys are planning to play laser tag tonight with the Walker boys again.

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