Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016


I haven't written for a week. I am staying up too late every night and then I'm too tired to write. 

My parents came to visit. They came on Saturday and stayed till Thursday. That was great. We were busy all the time. Sloppy's on Monday. Tuesday was Jake's 6th birthday and most of the boys and TJ's family went to the mainland. TJ rented an ice rink and got Jake goalie equipment. Dad and I did errands all day and I made a birthday cake. When the crew came back at 10 PM we had a birthday cake and a little surprise party for my mom whose birthday was a few days before. We got her a tablet and she was surprised. :0)

Also, this past week our friend John came down from Fort Peirce to help finish our house. He is now then person in charge of getting it done. He brought down the table he made and put in the bench seat and cabinet that he made too. It looks great and I'm starting to get excited about moving in.

Thursday Tom and I went shopping for appliances, sinks, faucets, ceiling fans, and a few lights. At first it was overwhelming but it all worked out. The only thing we bought was a microwave and when we got home I made a list online of everything that needs to be ordered. Friday morning I ordered a double oven. That was a big deal. I'm very excited about that.

The band had a rare Friday off. I invited Mikki and Randy over for supper. Kim and Bobby came over. Everyone was here except TJ's family. I made shepherd's pie, a salad, and apple crisp. 

Saturday morning there was a workday at the house, from 8-12. A bunch of volunteers from the Navy came. I went over afterwards with Mikki and Randy to take a peek at things. Then I listened to two lectures for my class. We went over to Mikki and Randy's house for a little jam. Tj, Angelica, Joe, and Ben came, with Tom, Uncle Jack, Charlie, and the kids. Mikki had supper for us all. We came home and I ended the night quilting.

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