Monday, January 18, 2016

January 16, 2016


I went walking, then started cleaning. (My parents are coming to visit later tonight). I changed the bedding in the guest room because kids have been sleeping in there. I swept and did laundry, dishes, and cleaned my bathroom. I took care of a bunch of cardboard that was collecting in the living room. 

I helped Tommy study for his math midterm on and off thru the day. His midterms are next week.  

The band moved their equipment into TJ's Tahoe. TJ borrowed the GMC to tow his camper to the Baygrass Bluegrass Festival in Islamorada. 

I made supper, vegan meatloaf, cheesy potatoes, and apple pie. Then I sat in my easy chair, I mean office chair, and quilted at the kitchen table while waiting for my parents to arrive. 

The boys played hockey. 

The guy in charge of finishing our house quit. Things have been a little slow. I guess his heart wasn't in it. Soooo, Tom told them about his friend John and they hired him. He starts on Tuesday. 

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