Monday, January 11, 2016

January 9, 2015


Violet and Jake got up nice and early. I made them oatmeal with blueberries and we had a great day. Charlie went to Mathew's house, the band (and Jake) went to Sunset Pier, the first of two gigs. I took down our Christmas tree. It was shedding a lot, and it's a fake tree, so I decided to throw it out. 

When Violet took her nap after lunch, Tommy watched her while I went to Winn Dixie for diapers and then ran into Bealls for a cute little outfit for her. I had such a nice day, staying home. When she fell asleep at night I quilted until TJ came and picked her up.  Their second gig was at Schooner Wharf and TJ left early because he has to go to work at church super early.

I'm trying to make "to do" lists everyday. I find that I go from room to room seeing and doing things that need to be done but then I forget or don't get to things I wanted to get done.

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