Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 13, 2016


I walked with Kim, then did school. I haven't folded laundry in over a week. It's piling up. School, dishes, and food are taking up all my time. 

TJ and Ang dropped the kids off and drove to Fort Lauderdale to pick up Uncle Jack. His plane was supposed to come in at 11 PM but it didn't. I took the kids to church, came home for a little bit, and then took TJ's kids home to put them to bed. After I got them out of their car seats TJ texted saying that Jack's flight wouldn't get in till tomorrow at noon. So I put the kids back in the car seats and took them back to my house. Violet screamed the whole time. TJ and Ang decided to stay overnight on the mainland near the airport. 

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