Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31, 2015


TJ dropped of Callie and Violet and they took Jake to the gig. He's in the band now, singing and playing mandolin. Nina brought Ariel and the two kids played ping pong and were very good at Blue Heaven. 

I took Tommy to the doctor this morning. He has an ingrown toenail that has been bothering him for quite a while and now it is infected. The boys started their schoolwork and I sewed on Ariel's dress. Tom got Kurt's car registered and Kurt and Jewel took Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie to gym class for me. They dropped them off, then went to Sombrero Beach in Marathon. I stayed home and watched Callie and Violet while sewing. They were both very good. Joe folded laundry. 

One of my teeth is bothering me. 

At 6:30 I went to Walgreens to pick up Tommy's  prescriptions, but the doctor never phoned them in. Grrrr. Since I was there, I bought Easter candy and stuff (for a million $). Now I'm ready for 14 kids and 2 extras. I felt horrible checking out though. There were many people waiting in line after me, and the young man kept asking for help, but there was only one girl to help and she couldn't speak any English, and she kept telling him "No."  Walgreens wouldn't hire Bob or the kids' friend Minoli. What are they thinking?

That ended up taking me an hour. I came home and started supper; rice , stir-fried veggies, salad, cantaloupe, and pineapple. That took 1 1/2 hours. The boys played hockey, came back at 9, and we ate. Charlie had a stomach ache and soaked in the tub, Tommy soaked his feet, I hid Easter candy, and went to bed. 

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