Friday, October 16, 2015

October 14, 2015


This morning I went to the exercise class at church, and I didn't chicken out this time. I stayed. I like it and will keep going. 

Afterward I came home, showered, and started school. There were too many distractions today, too many many people coming and going. It was hard to concentrate and stay on task. :0(

At 4:30 TJ dropped off the girls. He left me their truck with the car seats so I could take the kids to church and then home afterward. We finished up our schoolwork and then went to church. After church I took the girls to TJ's house and put them to bed there. They were very good. I let Callie watch Power Rangers before going to bed and then Violet fell asleep in my lap. TJ and Ang got back from their gig at Blue Heaven about 11:30 PM and Tom picked me up. What a long day. :0)

Tom painted the guest/sewing room yesterday. I still have to organize the room. I might move my quilt frame out of my room and I not there. Maybe tomorrow. Here's a pic of the new/used bunk beds. I'm going to paint them. Kurt's been sleeping in there. Right now he doesn't have a bed. 

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