Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 17, 2015


I missed a few days. 

I ran to the grocery store for fruit and just a few things to get by for a few more days. Everyone but Tommy, Bobby, and I went to a hockey game up near Fort Lauderdale. Tommy had his classes and homework so he couldn't go. I helped him and did laundry.

Kim came over and helped me arrange furniture in the guest/sewing room. We moved my quilt frame from my room to there. I moved a shelf out of the laundry room to my room, and moved the hitch from the guest room into the laundry room for Kurt's clothes and bedding.

Tommy went to youth group. I made two pizzas with whole wheat crusts. They were ok. 

Friday- We did school all day. I helped Tommy for a long time with a paper that was due before midnight. I wanted to help him study for his Logic test too but he took it without studying and I'm sure he failed. He's doing great in math and Latin though. 

Joe and I went to Jess Von Dees. Joe got his hair cut and I got mine trimmed. Now I need to make a few dentist appointments. 

There was no gig today and it rained a lot. Tom worked late putting a floor in someone's camper so I took Bob and Charlie over to Bistro 31 for supper. Schoolwork has been taking so long and then I don't have energy to make supper.  After we got home teenagers started showing up. They were loud so I retreated to my room and went to bed.

Saturday- I did homework with Tommy and Charlie and I built a castle. I'll have to take a picture. I also did homework fort class at church.  At 4:45 I left and dropped off food for Tom where he was working, then went to Hogfish, picked up TJ's girls, and went to Kim's studio. I brought food from Hogfish for supper for me and Kim and some French fries for Tommy.

Callie and I helped Kim wind a warp on the back beam. The kids played a little and then I brought the girls to our house. I came into the house with Callie and Violet, and Aaron was laughing historically. I asked what was so funny, and he said he just remembered something. Aaron had Charlie's bow and arrow you. I told him not to shoot at my pictures, that he'd break something. Then I went about my business. JC and Aaron left. A few minutes later Violet pulled a piece of broken glass out of the garbage. So I thought they did break a picture. I went over to the pictures and there was broken glass on the piano, in the keys, on the chair, and on the floor. I've got babies here. Violet was bare foot, and they (especially JC he is older), they don't have the decency to tell me they broke the glass on a picture so I can clean up the glass. What if they or Charlie sat on the chair or went to play piano? I am lucky I caught it before someone got cut. I was really mad. 

Violet played in the cupboards, rearranging things, and Callie played with play dough. I took notes on another chapter of Tommy's logic. I made supper, Pad Thai and bulgar wheat. The band had a double at Sunset Pier today. When they got home they were loud. They turned on hockey and I went to bed. 

Callie playing piano with her feet and a rose on my porch.

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