Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 6, 2015


I thought I would go straight to bed when we got home, but I wasn't tired at all, and it was daytime, so I got back to work. 

Tom and the boys surprised me. They had the floors washed and waxed, and Tom restrained some of the kitchen cupboards that were looking pretty beat. They also painted my bathroom, and hung up a bunch of pictures in the living room. 

I started in on the laundry and then went to Walgreens. Our bathrooms needed shampoo, conditioner, and soap. Mikki stopped over with some food and the boys started eating right away. 

Everything wasn't put back from the painting of my bathroom, so I tried to put a few things away. I also watered plants. Then it was time to go to Sloppy's. The first set there wasn't a lot of people, but it was crowded for the 2nd and 3rd. 

Today was also Charlie's 10th birthday, so during the first break and 2nd set, I took Tommy, Charlie, and Jake went to Ripley's Believe it or Not. Then we went to the "It's Sugar" store. We are going to have a birthday party on Friday. 

In the first pic the picture behind the boys isade out of cereal. The next one is made out of duct tape. 

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