Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015


I was up too late last night. When I was ready for bed Tom and Charlie begged to read the Little Britches book. It's the 3rd one, "The Fields of Home." Charlie started out reading and then I took over. So I woke up at 9:15 and woke Tommy up for his 9:30 class. 

After my devos I got dressed to go walking but when I opened the door it had started raining, so I did yoga in my bathroom instead. Next, I did school with Charlie until 3:00 when we got ready for Sloppy's. 

Randy and Mikki went to Sloppy's. I sat with them and the show was really fun. I usually sit off to the side, and see very well, and get pretty bored. (That's why I embroider, knit, or crochet). But tonight it was fun sitting out front. The kids were great, audience was great, and it was fun. 

Jake's wearing the sweater I made him. It's cooled down to 80 degrees here.

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