Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28, 2015


TJ dropped off the girls about 8:30 and picked up Joe to play at Blue Heaven. Pink eye has been going around and now it's Callie's turn. She's got it. 

I almost talked myself out of going to exercise class at church, but I went. It was a little harder today. Maybe it was just me. I've been sleeping so bad I can't stand it. I wake up too early and can't fall back asleep.

After the class I showered, made oatmeal for the girls, and tried to start school with Charlie. Tommy was already doing his. He made me so mad. He had a Logic quiz due by tonight and I was going to study with him before he took it, but he took it ealier without telling me, and got a 60. I'm still mad. 

Tom took the girls and Charlie for a bike ride. I worked on homework for one of my classes. TJ and Ang picked up the girls and I did school with Charlie until we left for church at 6:00. Grandpa Bob and Helen went to church again, but they will be leaving tomorrow. 

Tom, Tommy, and Charlie stayed at church to help set up for the fall festival. Kim dropped me off at home. I am behind in everything. The laundry is backed up. There's a lot to be folded and a lot to wash. I thought Tommy would be on the ball with his schoolwork now but I have to check and make sure his homework is done. He waits too late at night to do his homework if I'm not on him. He's also handed in atleast 3 assignments in late. Grrrr! 

I made some more spaghetti and a salad for Ed and Ben, did the dishes, read to Charlie, and went to bed. 

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