Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24, 2015


Today was a really weird day. I got to stay home all day, which was a good thing, but , for starters, all week I've been waking up before 6 AM. Not good because most nights I don't get to bed till 1 AM. Once I wake up I can't fall asleep. I try. I lay there for 2 hours sometimes, but I just can't sleep. 

I was going to try a painting project today, but changed my mind and decided to sew. A wan from church asked me to see covers for her outdoor  furniture. They are basically like pillowcase slip covers. I made 6 of them today. They all need to be handsewn closed on the last side. I got the hand sewing on one of them done. Maybe I can do one a day. There are also a few small pillows but I will save them for another day.

TJ and Ang dropped off Violet on their way to their gig at Rum Row. The rest of the band had a double at Sunset Pier today. Tommy studied logic for hours today. 

After I put my sewing stuff away I couldn't decide what to do next. A part of me wanted to order subs and another part wanted to eat healthy. . I didn't know what to do for supper. I kind of needed groceries.  I didn't want to cook. I just wanted to eat. Finally, somehow, I got thru it and I felt better. I found a recipe for lasagna soup and I had all the ingredients, so I made that and chocolate chip cookies. 

Tommy took his Logic test. He will have to spend tomorrow doing his homework. 

I'm in bed before midnight. Tommy and Charlie are fighting. Tom is watching hockey. 


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