Monday, October 5, 2015

October 4, 2015


We went to church, then Louis made us lunch, fish, rice, and plantain in coconut milk with Cajun spices. It was delicious and perfect for another dreary, rainy day. It has rained all day, every day for the last 7 days. TJ and Angelica picked me up and we started out for home. We hadn't gone very far when Jake needed a bathroom stop. We had been watching the weather and found out that 95 was closed for a good stretch in SC. Angelica has family in Fayetteville, so we decided to go hang out at the mall in Fayetteville and see what happened with 95. It was still closed when we left so we went to Angelica's cousin's house.

They made us a delicious supper and we visited for a while and then spent the night. 

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