Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015


The last few days I've woken up before 6 AM. That's too early for me because I hardly get to bed before 1 AM lately. I went walking, ate oatmeal, made some cinnamon rolls, and started school. I did art with Charlie, and Jake came over so he did it too. I'll have to take some pictures of our projects. 

TJ picked up Jake and dropped off the girls. They went to a gig at Hogfish. Then the rest of the boys went to the Hurricane. Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie went to the movie at church. Kim came over with the kids and hung with Callie, Violet, and me. Kim and I did a practice run with some lace, spray paint, and wood that I am planning on painting the ends of the new bunk bed with. 

I helped Tommy study for two hours for his logic test. It covers 18 lessons and we've been going over a few lessons every day. We finally got through them all tonight. Tomorrow he needs to review some more, and we found an app (quizlett) that has some neat games to help him quiz himself, so hopefully that will help. 

The girls fell asleep. There was a fire on Stock Island and the road was closed so TJ and Ang couldn't come home. They went back to Hogfish and hung out till it closed. Then finally they started letting people through the road. They picked up the girls. 

It's 1 AM and Charlie is still up. Sometimes I would like a normal schedule and kids who go to bed and wake up at normal times. 

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