Monday, June 13, 2016

June 12, 2016


I woke up at 6:30 and made 3 peanut butter chocolate pies for Joe and Garrett's birthday party. Tom went to the 9:30 service so he could go over to Kim's and work on her fence. Ed, Charlie, and I went to the 11:00 service. I was supposed to pick up Joe but forgot him, so Ben left church and picked him up. Sorry Joe. 

After church we all went over to Randy and Mikki's for the birthday party and to watch the race. Mikki had tons of food and I brought the pies. Dale was out of the race near the beginning, so it wasn't that fun, but we had fun hanging out again. Garrett never showed up. He slept through his party. 

We all went home. Bobby came over and hung out with Tommy and Charlie. The band hurried off to Schooner Wharf. I spent the evening getting ready for our trip. I also finished cutting out pieces for the next round of my quilt. That's all ready to go on the trip. I can sew my little heart out while we are driving. I had left a bag of stuff for my eyes at Mikki's house and had to drive back there and get it. I went to bed at midnight.

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