Friday, June 24, 2016

June 21, 2016


We spent the morning packing up and cleaning. I swept floors and cleaned the bathrooms. TJ and Kurt vacuumed carpets, and Ed did dishes. I moved our food from the fridge to the cooler. Tom washed the truck and trailer and then took the littles for one last swim. We aimed to leave at 11 AM and left at 11:30. Not too bad.

Our drive today was just two hours through beautiful WV to The Greenbrier. It was a gray day and started raining just before we arrived. We unloaded, set up, ate supper at Applebee's, and then checked in at our hotel. I watched Charlie, Callie, and Violet at the hotel and the others went to the gig. We watched a little TV and I did hand sewing on my quilt till the girls fell asleep. Then I fell asleep too. 

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