Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 28, 2016


I took Charlie for a walk this morning back in the fields where I used to play as a kid. I told him we knew every field, tree, and trail. Growing up we had so much fun playing outside. Anyway, we saw a turtle hanging out in a corn field and picked a few ripe blueberries. There weren't very many. I picked some raspberries to put in our oatmeal.

Carol came up with the kids, and TJ brought his kids over for me to bbsit, but they took Hazel with them shopping. We put sunscreen on the kids and they swam for maybe a half hour when we noticed gray clouds coming in and the temperature dropped. Now it was too cold for me to go swimming, but the kids went in and out all day.

Tom and my dad worked on dad's truck all day, something to do with the brakes. I think Tom did some staining too on my parents' house.

After TJ picked up the kids, Mom, Carol, and I went to the Quilt Farm. I love that place. Good memories. I took my first quilt class there. (I took all my quilt classes there). And I used to escape there when the kids were little. It was great to see Isabelle too. The back door was open and the breeze blew in, and the view is so pretty. I bought some fabric for the next part of my quilt but didn't take a pic. I'll have to take one tomorrow.

When we left there we went to Brunner's and picked up 2 pizzas, mini corn dogs, loaded waffle fries, and went home. After we ate Carol tried to go home but her van battery was dead so she stayed a while longer so it could charge. We all watched the Justice Channel while eating ice cream, and then went to bed.

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