Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016


I'm a few days behind again. 

Thursday I can't remember.

Friday we went to Erica's house for a pre-rehearsal party for Sue's wedding.

Saturday we went to the wedding and reception and had a great time with Tom's family. 

Sunday Ed, Ben, and Kurt left for Nashville. They took my truck. Darryl and Carol came up. I swam before everyone got here. The water was a chilly 75 degrees but fine after I got used to it. The kids swam all day. Mom made boneless ribs and I made strawberry shortcake. 

Monday Carol and Darryl came up again. I picked a handful of raspberries. That was all that were ripe. Soon there will be lots more. We swam. Carol cut out a baby romper and I worked on my quilt. When the evening came Tom, Charlie, and I went to Charlap's in Hamburg for ice cream and then to a car show. We hoped to see Becky and Dan but they didn't make it. We came home, ate salad, watched a little TV with mom and dad and went to bed.

Oh, now I remember Thursday. We had a gig at Club 189 in East Aurora. I watched TJ's kids at Anita's house so Angelica could go. They all had a great time.

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