Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016


I set my alarm for 7 so I would have time for my devotions before taking Tommy and Charlie to VBS at church. I called the doctor's office to get an appointment for my pink eye and they said they couldn't get me in till tomorrow at 3:45. I almost cried but didn't. Crying just makes my head hurt so I try to avoid it. I came home and ate breakfast while listening to a lecture. Then I folded laundry while listening to another lecture. Then the doctor's office called and said I could come in at 3:30 today but it would be a long wait. So I said yes. The band would leave for Sloppy's at 3:30 and I would have to drive separate.

I had a fiddle lesson via Skype at 1:00, and two people contacted me wondering who was going to pick up Charlie from church. Ed was very late. :0(

Ed finally came home with Charlie and Charlie had his lesson. I folded more laundry. Rachel was going to stop by for instructions about staying at our house but we ran out of time so she is going to come tomorrow. 

I dropped Charlie off at Fran's for swimming and then went to Dr. Grider's. After sitting in the waiting room 10 minutes Tom texted and said they needed the ball that was on my truck to tow the trailer with the GMC. So I told the receptionist and left the dr.s office, drove home, Tom got the ball, and I drove back to the dr.s. 

I saw the doctor and went to Walgreens next. I'm so happy that my eyes are finally going to get better.  I was dreading the long drive and parking in KW by myself so I asked the kids' friend, Minolis, if he was going to KW and he was! He said he'd take me!!!

Tom asked us to stop at Advanced Auto and buy oil and filters for three vehicles. What a bad errand to send a girl. That guy asked too many questions. Tom had everything written in a text but that guy didn't want to help me. My day was stressful enough so I decided Tom would have to do this one himself. We left and went to Sloppy's. 

During out breaks Tommy and I got a slice of pizza and ice cream. I got a hot fudge sunday. Tom left just before our show ended to go buy his oil and filters, but the store had already closed. He should have gone during one of our breaks. The boys all wait too long to prepare for a trip. 

I'm hardly settled from moving into this house. I don't want to be away so long, but oh well. One more day and we are off.

VBS today

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