Friday, June 3, 2016

June 3, 2016


Today is Friday and I am 5 days behind so I thought I might skim over the last few days. 

Monday we drove and drove and drove some more till we were home in Big Pine. We unpacked and I did laundry and that kind of stuff.

Tuesday was a chore day. Tom took my truck to Dick's shop and they ordered parts to fix the AC. Then we went to Sloppy Joes. On the way Tom picked up the Sprinter from the guy working on it on Stock Island. 

Wednesday Tom took the Sprinter to the Mercedes dealer in Miami. They recoded something. He considered trading it in for a new one but I don't think we want another one. Too hard and costly for repairs. Then he drove home. He was gone all day. I can't remember what I did all day but I must have done something. I know I was busy.

Thursday I exercised and decided to start the day with the chores I dreaded the most, whichade me feel good the rest of the day, knowing I had them done. I practiced fiddle and studied some Latin. Ben and Kurt went on Jc's boat in the morning. Ed worked at the studio. I cut out pieces for the next round of my quilt. I took Bobby out to eat at Boondocks and Georgina dropped Charlie off there after swimming.

Finally, today, Friday, I did laundry and dishes. I practiced fiddle and watered the tree that Tom and the neighbor planted yesterday. I listened to two lectures for my class, knitted a few rows on my sweater, and made a stir-fry and couscous for lunch. 

In the evening the boys played hockey and I visited with Chris. She and her husband, Joe, brought us a feast tonight for after hockey. There was pizza, wings, sandwiches, potatoes and macaroni salad, ice cream, twix bars, Rice Krispy treats, and drinks. 

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