Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 17, 2016


I kept waking up all night and finally got up before 6 AM. I took my books and coffee out onto the porch and watched the sun rise up from behind the trees on the other side of the lake. 

I read quite a bit today and practiced my fiddle. I'm really enjoying it. I hoped to get to Walmart today to buy food but Tom didn't  want to go, so everyone ate travel food leftovers. I did finally make wild rice and refried beans.

Tom, Charlie, and Ben went in the hot tub, and after TJ, Callie, and Violet arrived the younger ones went in the lake.

We had to leave at 4:30 for our gig at Rockhouse Marina, which was about 10 minutes away. I could tell that Callie and Violet were not going to be happy sitting there all night, so before the music even started Tom took Callie, Violet, Charlie, and me home. 

We had a great evening at house. We watched some TV, which I never get to do, I did dishes,  and I read to Charlie.

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