Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June 29, 2016


I picked enough raspberries for our oatmeal this morning. It was a little chilly out so I had to wear a jacket. I pieced more of my quilt and practiced fiddle. I ordered a fiddle for Charlie since we can't find his. He needs to practice. 

TJ and his family came over. Tom worked on his van. Angelica went running and TJ took the kids swimming. 

Later my parents dropped Charlie and I off at Carol's while they went to a town concert in Angola. We visited, ate lasagna and strawberry shortcake, and I sewed two more quilt blocks. Tom didn't go with us to Carol's. He stayed home to keep working on TJ's van. When we got home Jake was there with Tom. He's sleeping over. We ate ice cream again and went to bed. I can not eat ice cream every night. No more buying ice cream. 

Here's the fabrics I bought yesterday.

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