Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013


I went down to the hot tub this morning. I was in for just a few minutes when Angelica came in and said Joe was having a seizure in bed. Tom told me to stay there and he went up and helped Joe. It has been 2 months and 1 week since his last seizure. He wasn't feeling well last night at our gig and had a headache when he went to bed.

That threw the morning off a bit. We rushed off to gym class at 12:30. Had a relaxing visit with some moms. Hurried home to get Tommy to his guitar lesson on time. Ate some lunch, leftover salad and soup (at 3:30). I went over math with Garrett and Tommy and started to think about supper. They did history and vocab on their own.

The boys left for the park to play hockey and I left for Winn-Dixie. I decided to make spaghetti for supper. I saw Sahara's grandfather, Ron, in the parking lot and got to chat for a few minutes. I haven't seen them in while and it was nice to visit.

Home again, home again, jiggity jig. I carried 9 bags up the stairs in one trip! Then had to make it fit in the fridge. There's never enough room. I made the spaghetti, chopped the salad, and cut up two small watermelons and two cantaloupes which they devoured as soon as they walked in the door. Rob was here for hockey, supper, and coffee.

The big kids went to the studio. I did dishes and shooed the rest to bed.

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