Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013

Went to church. The band sure was whooped after two late nights at the Hurricane and had a hard time getting up.

I had a great, relaxing, slow day! I cleaned up my clothes shelf in my closet. It was a mess. Not any more. :0) I cut the liners out of some new camis I bought. I practiced classical guitar. (I haven't done that in about a year). I practiced flute, a little classical and a little jazz.

TJ set up a kiddie pool out on the porch. He watched the kids, including Charlie. They had a blast. Callie loved it. We also have a mist-er out there. I might move my lounge chair up from the screened in porch to poolside. Haha!

TJ, Joe, Ed, Ben, Kurt, and Aaron played hockey in Key West. I actually had time to sit in my chair and read. I made pasta with a vegetable sauce and asparagus for supper. Then I finished off the banana bread that Angelica brought me from Blue Heaven on Friday.

This week I have to finish Callie's dress and do some beading on my dress. My dress also needs to be shortened and hemmed.

I don't like how our schedule works in May. I want to finish up school and I need to get stuff ready to do our taxes. Also, I need to get ready for a three week trip the end of May. I don't think I can do all that. We might have to do some schoolwork in June when we get back.

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