Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 18-19, 2013

Friday May 19

I got early to go with TJ, Ang, Ed, and Nina to Blue Heaven. Had a relaxing morning afternoon. TJ dropped Ed, Nina, and I off at Hogfish for our evening gig. Then he picked up his kids from the sitters, dropped them off at home, and then the rest of the band drove back to Key West. The night ended with a fight in the parking lot. How exciting.

Saturday May 17

I started organizing our files to do our taxes while we are in NY. I rode with Kim up to Salty's for our gig. A few homeschool mom's and kids came. It was a fun evening.

Sunday May 19

The kids led worship today. Tom took Garrett to KW for a roller hockey play-off game. Garrett's team won the championship in overtime. How exciting for him.

After church I worked on the files a little more. Then I took Joe, Tommy, Charlie, Bobby, and Shannon swimming at our friend's house again. When we got home the boys got ready for hockey. Garrett and I went to Winn-Dixie for ice cream fixings and rolls. I made chicken salad with leftover chicken from church. There were a lot of people here: Tom, me, Ed, Joe, Ben, Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Nina, Naomi, Aaron, Ian, Rob, Bobby, and Shannon. Diana and Toko stopped in to pick up some of their kids. I cleaned up a little, delegated the rest, and withdrew to my room.

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