Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013


I spent my morning reading. Ed's tooth bled all over 2 pillows. One was brand new. :0( We did some schoolwork and I finally cooked the giant pig that a super-fan gave us as a gift. It cooked for 6 hours. I made rice and Coconut Spicy Black Beans to go with it. I should have cut up some mango but didn't have time. I will do it for lunch tomorrow.

I sewed the bodice of Callie's white embroidered dress. We went to church. Ed and Nina worked on the editing of the talent show DVD while I embroidered Callie's dress. I got my flute out today but never got to practice. Maybe tomorrow. We had two friends come over to spend the night, Jaden and Cameron.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. Keeps me a little closer to you. May I have the recipe for Coconut Spicy Black Beans? Blessings to all
